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How to open your bottle!

Use a paring knife to draw a line through the wax where the cork and glass meet. (You can see the cork through the wax). 

Without cutting the cork, cut through the wax until you can lift up the cork. 

No need to take all the wax off! Just cut that line where the cork meets the glass and the cork will easily come out.  

Enjoy the honey! 

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This is our SIXTH YEAR of beekeeping ~ and every year is DIFFERENT! Some years we harvested over 200 pounds of honey!  2023 has been wet and rainy. One hive swarmed, one is booming. Spring harvest was about 60 pounds of honey. Hoping for a fall harvest, plus  we need to leave 100 pounds per hive for the bees to overwinter!

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Honey, Wax and More

Harvesting Honey is MESSY! The smell is

amazing. The honey is gorgeous.

We try to preserve the combs to give back

to the bees, but some always gets broken,

so we clean and process it to make candles, lip balms, soap, and lotion.

We melt it to seal our bottles of delicious honey. 

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